Anna Käse Rottmannsring 30 59457 Werl
Telefon: 0177/8500064
Responsible for all content : Anna Käse
Technical development, web design and web development by Henning Tillmann
Legal issues: This is the homepage of Anna Käse, Werl. All rights reserved. Copying and publishing, also partly, only with a written permission from Anna Käse. I exclude all liability of completeness, correctness and actuality. For extern web links outside I don't assume any liability. For the contents only the relevant providers are responsible.
Privacy: Personal information I only use in context of an info request. These informations will only be saved and used to work on those requests. No one else but me will get them and they always can be inspected. If you wish so, we will change or delete the personal information. For that write a letter to the address you see above or just write me an e-mail to schreibmir(at)